Student Progress Tracking

student progress report tracking on Sqooasha

Have you ever asked the question "How is my child performing in school"? For many parents, this question is answered later in the school year when the report cards are sent home. This may not always be the best time to realize that your child is falling behind. Ideally, you'd want to have this information as soon as possible. What if you could receive timely, straightforward, and informative reports on the progress of the child on a weekly basis? Well, you're in luck! Sqooasha offers a progress tracking feature to parents and educators, which monitors the performance of each student over a specified period.

The report measures the student's speed, that is, how quickly your student is answering the presented questions, and the accuracy of your student's answers. This report quickly highlights the areas that your student needs to focus on to improve his or her performance. Furthermore, at the end of each practice or test session, the corresponding tutorial videos are recommended to your students. These videos are available on the platform and are intended to help your students with questions they had difficulties answering. Keeping track of student's performance has never been this easy! Click below to start your free trial and start tracking your child's progress on Sqooasha!